Hills & Hollers
Whitetail Hunting

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Off-Season Lodging
Deersign & Habitat
Farming for Wildlife

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Call Kyle Eilerman
at 618-535-8407
now to book for 2022.

Rules & Regulations
KYLE EILERMAN 618-576-9264
Rt. 1 Box 136 Batchtown, IL 62006

***Hunting on Prime Calhoun County Land in Illinois between the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers.

***We have a high priority to satisfy both hunters and landowners so that Our operation will be a long-term operation.

***Anyone killing a button buck will be charged $250.00.

***THERE IS A 130 INCH MINIMUM ON MOST FARMS. Any deer scoring from120 inches to 130 inches will have a $10.00 per inch fine. From 120 inches to 110 inches will have a $250.00 fine. Under 110 inch will have a $500.00 fine. THESE SIZE LIMITS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. ANY DEER SHOT BELOW THE MINIMUM ON THE LAST DAY WILL RESULT IN DOUBLE THE FINE. Marty or Paul will do the scoring.

***You are allowed one buck with a gun and one buck with a bow. It doesn't matter if you have a firearm permit and a muzzelloader permit, and a bow permit, you can only shoot one with a gun and one with a bow. Anyone shooting two bucks with a gun will be asked to leave with no refund.

***Mature doe may be taken. Anyone shooting a doe will be included in a drawing for a free late season hunt next year. Please make sure you take mature doe. This is for archery hunters only.

***Illinois bow permits will have both an either sex and an antlerless only section on them. For management purposes we encourage one of each sex be taken.

***Anyone born after January 1, 1980 must have had a hunter safety course.

***You can shoot a crossbow without a special crossbow permit if you are 62 years old or older. Anyone younger must have a special crossbow permit. Ask Marty for information to order a crossbow permit.

***You are responsible for checking in your kill. Any deer killed must be checked in the same day, as soon as possible. The kill must be tagged immediately with the leg tag before field dressing or moving the deer. The antler tag has to be applied when the antlers are removed from the body of the deer. The leg tag must accompany any meat prepared for transport. If you need help, let us know.

***You are not allowed to use anyone else's tags. Do not shoot a deer unless you have the appropriate tag.

***You must report your confirmation number to Marty so he can keep a record. Please do this as soon as you call in your kill.

***Each hunter is responsible for checking in with Marty each evening. This is mandatory. Marty will be at the shed each evening.

***You are responsible for all stands, safety harness, and equipment. Safety harness is mandatory.

***You are responsible for hanging your own stand. If you need help we can arrange for someone to help you. NO SCREW IN STEPS USED IN TREES. Only use ladders and strap on steps. Anyone caught using screw in steps will be charged the price of the log.

***No guns in stands when bowhunting. Handguns must be unloaded and in a case when in or on any moving vehicle. Illinois does not recognize concealed weapon permits.

***Please do not leave any trash or garbage behind when you leave your stand. Landowners expect their land to look the same when we leave as when we arrived.

***You are responsible for retrieving, skinning, and preparing your kill for transport home. If you need help, let us know.

***Absolutely no one is to be on any property other than the one designated to your hunt. No crossing property lines. Anyone sitting on a fence line must only shoot towards Hills and Hollers property. Anyone caught on property other than Hills and Hollers Will be asked to leave with no refund.

***Before tracking a wounded deer on neighboring property please contact Marty so he can get permission from the landowner.

***The game reserve is OFF LIMITS. If a wounded deer goes to the reserve you must contact a game warden and he may or may not accompany you to find the deer. If he chooses not to accompany you, the deer may not be retrieved.

***Four-wheeler use will be limited to hauling stands in to be placed and the removing of deer.

***Your bow must be cased or otherwise made inoperable (bow lock, zip tie, etc.) when being transported aboard any vehicle including ATV’s.

***All Illinois hunting laws must be obeyed. Anyone not obeying the laws or the rules outlined in these pages may be asked to leave with no refund. An IL hunting digest is in each house. If one is not available let us know and we will get you one..

***Your sleeping quarters are furnished. You are responsible for trash, dishes, and the general upkeep of your sleeping quarters. Towels & sheets are provided. You are responsible for your own personal hygiene items.

***You may arrive on the Thursday afternoon before your hunt and you must be out of your quarters by 10:00 A.M. on the next Thursday. Thursdays are no hunt days during the 3 weeks of rut hunting.

***You must arrive on the day appointed unless previous arrangements are made. Anything over a 7 night stay will cost $20.00 per night.

***Hunting will be done from Friday thru Wednesday during the rut.

***You are not alone in your quarters. Please be courteous to your housemates. Remember, no one wants to see you in your underwear. Please dress appropriately.

***No pets allowed at any time!!!

***Drinking of alcoholic beverages and smoking are not allowed on the premises or the lands leased or owned by IL HILLS AND HOLLERS.

***We highly recommend that you do not use mechanical broad heads and we expect each hunter to take only reasonable shots to lesson the number of wounded deer.

***A nonrefundable deposit of one-half is due when you book the hunt. The balance is due when you arrive for the hunt.

***All questions and business activities must be routed through Marty Eilerman at 618-396-2629.

***During shotgun and muzzleloader season SOLID BLAZE ORANGE HAT AND VEST are mandatory when in the woods or stand. You must be wearing them at all times.

***Bow hunters are also required to wear orange hat and vest if in the woods or stand during the muzzleloader season and the youth shotgun season.

***Muzzleloader only tags mean only muzzleloaders may be fired and carried. Firearms tags allow you to use either a shotgun or muzzleloader.

***All guns and bows must be unloaded and cased when being carried in or on any moving vehicle. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

***IL Hills & Hollers reserves the right to use any and all pictures of you and or any deer in any way we choose.

***IL Hills & Hollers is not responsible for any items left behind. Stands, ladders, clothing, ect. If you choose to leave anything here, you will be responsible for storing it where Marty tells you.


***If you have any questions about any of these items, please feel free to ask.

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